Miles - 2022.06 - 2023.03

Visual Designer

Actively contribute to and help drive the visual communication and brand identity needs of both the product/experience and the team (product and marketing).

Help shape the visual direction of both the product and marketing language, this includes the UI and design system itself, the website, and marketing/sales materials.

Deliver high-quality, polished, delightful, and easy to use designs for the product.

Contribute in all phase of product development including hands-on crafting of experiences, designing and creating assets and visual elements.

Exploratorium - 2022.02 - 2022.05

Graphic Designer

Create digital visual assets for website, social media, and digital promotion ads.

Create print assets such as posters, postcard, magazine ads, and pole banners.

Skylink TV - 2016.12 - 2021.05

Multimedia Designer

Graphic Design for special events, such as posters and fliers.

Create marketing graphic for digital advertising and social media campaigns.

Responsible for lighting and shooting quality video, and clean audio.

Lead non-liner video editing for News team.

Handled creative concept development and story boarding for video project.